Jean Warren
Wednesday 22nd January, 2025


stage, screen and television actress

The purpose of this website - - is to provide information about Jean Warren and her background as an actress.

Jean Warren takes the privacy of visitors to this site very seriously indeed, and any information which you provide her and which can be used to identify you is stored in accordance with current UK Data Protection legislation.

Please be aware that while the administrators of this website take every precaution available to them, the Internet cannot be considered a fully secure medium at the present point in time.

Information collected from visitors

  • E-Mail addresses that you use to contact Jean Warren
  • Any information you volunteer to provide
  • Information on what pages are accessed on this website

Jean Warren is committed to your privacy

Your privacy is important, and any information you submit helps to respond to your enquiry. Should you have any questions, comments or concerns then please do not hesitate to contact Jean Warren and she will be delighted to provide you with an answer.

Jean Warren will never pass on your details to any third party without your express consent to do so, with the exception of any third party suppliers whom we may commission to process data on our behalf, including those developing or hosting this website.